Arm Enterprises GP4020 GPS Receiver User Manual

22 GP4020 GPS Baseband Processor Design Manual
Mnemonic Instruction Action Lo/Hi
codes set
ADC Add with Carry Rd := Rd + Rs + C Lo Yes
ADD Add Rd := Rn + Rs Lo/Hi Yes*
AND AND Rd := Rd AND Rs Lo Yes
ASR Arithmetic Shift Right Rd := Rd ASR Rs Lo Yes
B Unconditional branch PC := PC +/- Offset11 Lo
Bxx Conditional branch PC := PC +/- Offset8 Lo
BIC Bit Clear Rd := Rd AND NOT Rs Lo Yes
BL Branch and Link PC := PC +/- Offset LR:=PC + 2
BX Branch and Exchange PC := Rs Lo / Hi
CMN Compare Negative Rd + Rs Lo Yes
CMP Compare CPSR flags :=Rd - Rs Lo / Hi Yes
EOR EOR Rd := Rd EOR Rs Lo Yes
LDMIA Load multiple Stack manipulation (Pop) Lo
LDR Load word Rd32 := [Rb + Immediate5] Lo
LDRB Load byte Rd8 := [Rb + Immediate5] Lo
LDRH Load half-word Rd16 := [Rb + Immediate5] Lo
LSL Logical Shift Left Rd := Rd << Rs Lo Yes
LDSB Load sign-extended byte Rd8 := [Rb + Immediate5] Lo
LDSH Load sign-extended half-word Rd16 := [Rb + Immediate5] Lo
LSR Logical Shift Right Rd := Rd >> Rs Lo Yes
MOV Move register Rd := Immediate8 Lo / Hi Yes*
MUL Multiply Rd := Rs * Rd Lo Yes
MVN Move Negative register Rd := NOT Rs Lo Yes
NEG Negate Rd := -Rs Lo Yes
ORR OR Rd := Rd OR Rs Lo Yes
POP Pop registers [SP] ++ := Rlist (LR) Lo
PUSH Push registers Rlist (LR):= [SP] -- Lo
ROR Rotate Right Rd := Rd ROR Rs Lo Yes
SBC Subtract with Carry Rd := Rd -Rs - NOT C Lo Yes
STMIA Store Multiple [Rb]++ := Rlist Lo
STR Store word [Rb + Immediate5] := Rd32 Lo
STRB Store byte [Rb + Immediate5] := Rd8 Lo
STRH Store half-word [Rb + Immediate5] := Rd16 Lo
SWI Software Interrupt OS call
SUB Subtract Rd := Rd - Immediate8 Lo Yes
TST Test bits CPSR flags :=Rd AND Rs Lo Yes
Table 3.2 16-bit Thumb instruction set
3.4 Operating Modes
ARM7TDMI supports seven modes of operation:
User (usr) The normal ARM program execution state
FIQ (fiq) Designed to support a data transfer or channel process
IRQ (irq) Used for general-purpose interrupt handling
Supervisor (svc) Protected mode for the operating system
Abort mode (abt) Entered after a data or instruction pre-fetch abort