Arm Enterprises GP4020 GPS Receiver User Manual

GP4020 GPS Baseband Processor Design Manual 21
Mnemonic Instruction Action
ADC Add with carry Rd := Rn + Op2 + Carry
ADD Add Rd := Rn + Op2
AND AND Rd := Rn AND Op2
B Branch R15 := address
BIC Bit Clear Rd := Rn AND NOT Op2
BL Branch with Link R14 := R15, R15 := address
BX Branch and Exchange R15 := Rn, T bit := Rn[0]
CDP Coprocessor Data Processing (Coprocessor-specific)
CMN Compare Negative CPSR flags := Rn + Op2
CMP Compare CPSR flags := Rn - Op2
EOR Exclusive OR Rd := (Rn AND NOT Op2) OR (op2 AND NOT Rn)
LDC Load coprocessor from memory Coprocessor load
LDM Load multiple registers Stack manipulation (Pop)
LDR Load register from memory Rd := (address)
MCR Move CPU register to coprocessor register cRn := rRn {<op>cRm}
MLA Multiply Accumulate Rd := (Rm * Rs) + Rn
MOV Move register or constant Rd : = Op2
MRC Move from coprocessor register to CPU register Rn := cRn {<op>cRm}
MRS Move PSR status/flags to register Rn := PSR
MSR Move register to PSR status/flags PSR := Rm
MUL Multiply Rd := Rm * Rs
MVN Move negative register Rd := 0xFFFF FFFF EOR Op2
ORR OR Rd := Rn OR Op2
RSB Reverse Subtract Rd := Op2 - Rn
RSC Reverse Subtract with Carry Rd := Op2 - Rn - 1 + Carry
SBC Subtract with Carry Rd := Rn - Op2 - 1 + Carry
STC Store coprocessor register to memory address := CRn
STM Store Multiple Stack manipulation (Push)
STR Store register to memory <address> := Rd
SUB Subtract Rd := Rn - Op2
SWI Software Interrupt OS call
SWP Swap register with memory Rd := [Rn], [Rn] := Rm
TEQ Test bitwise equality CPSR flags := Rn EOR Op2
TST Test bits CPSR flags := Rn AND Op2
Table 3.1 Standard 32-bit ARM instruction set