Steering Stem
Remove the lock washer [A].
Pushing up the stem base, and remove the steering stem
nut with stem cap [A].
Steering Stem [C]
Upper Ball Bearing Inner Race
Special Tool - Steering Stem Nut Wrench [B]: 57001-1100
To remove the bearing outer races [A] pressed into the
head pipe [B], insert a bar [C] into the recesses [D] of head
pipe, and applying it to both recess alternately hammer it
to drive the race out.
If either steering stem bearing is damaged, it is recom-
mended that both the upper and lower bearings (includ-
ing outer races) should be replaced with new ones.
Remove the lower bearing inner race (with its grease s eal)
[A] w hich is pressed onto the steering stem [B] with the
bearing puller [C] and adapter [D].
Special Tools - Bearing Puller Adapter: 57001-136
Bearing Puller: 57001-158
Stem, Stem B earing I nstallation
Replace the bearing outer races with new ones.
Drive them into the head pipe at the same time.
Special Tools - Head Pipe Outer Race Press Shaft [A]:
Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129
Head Pipe Outer R ace Driver,
55 [B]: 57001
Apply grease:
Outer Races