Electric Starter System
Align the mark [A] on the left end cover with the mark [B]
on the yoke.
To rque - Starter Motor Bolts: 4.9 N·m (0.50 kgf·m, 43 in·l b)
Commutator Cleaning/Inspection
Smooth the commutator surface [A] if necessary with fine
emery cloth [B], and clean out the grooves.
Measure the diameter [A] of the commutator.
Replace the starter motor with a new one if the commu-
tator diameter is less than the service limit.
Commutator Diameter
Standard: 28 mm (1.10 in.)
Service Limit: 27 mm (1.06 in.)
Armature Inspection
Using the × 1 Ω range, measure the resistance between
any two commutator segments [ A].
If there is a high resistance or no reading (∞) between
any two segments, a winding is open. Replace the starter
Using the highest range, measure the resistance between
the segments and the shaft [B].
If there is any reading at all, the armature has a short.
Replace the starter motor.
Even if the foregoing checks show the armature t o be
good, it may be defective in some manner not readily
detectable with the hand tester. I f all other starter motor
and starter motor circuit components check good, but
the starter motor still does not turn over or only turns
over weakly, replace the starter motor with a new one.