User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 5 Performing Administrative Tasks
Administering Users
Step 3 To add the new user, click Add. The new username appears in the Users list. To
discard your changes, click Clear.
Modify Users
Note Your login determines whether you can use these options.
To modify a user:
Step 1 Select Administration > User Admin > Add/Modify/Delete. The
Add/Modify/Delete dialog appears. The Users list displays the current users.
Note Only the logins created by you are displayed. If logins were created by
another user, they are not visible; only their creator can display them.
The admin user can view all logins.
CLI Access Select the user’s access to the WLSE CLI: None, Level 0,
or Level 15. By default, Level 15 is selected for System
Administrator, and None is selected for other users. Users
with privilege level 15 can use all commands, and users
with privilege level 0 can use a subset.
Roles Select one or more roles for the user. To add a role, select
it from the pulldown list. To view a role, select it and click
show role. To remove a role, select it and click remove.
Field Information to Enter