User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Managing Configuration Jobs
Related Topic
Using the Templates, page 3-1.
Job Choices
When you create or edit a configuration job, the following choices appear in the
left pane of the Jobs window:
Note These are steps that must be completed but do not have to be done in order.
1. Job Name—See Naming the Job, page 3-93.
2. Select Devices—See Naming the Job, page 3-93.
3. Select Template—See Selecting a Template, page 3-95.
4. Schedule Job—See Scheduling a Job, page 3-97.
Caution Clicking on another tab before you have saved your entries in this window will
cause the window to reset and you will lose all the information you entered.
Naming the Job
Step 1 Click Job Name. The Job Name dialog box appears.