Cisco Systems 1105 Automobile Parts User Manual

User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Using the Templates
Is MAC alone sufficient for to be fully authenticated
Key: awcFtEnableMacOrEapAuth
Value: F
where the possible values are T (true) and F (false)
Set Rogue AP alert timeout (minutes)
Key: awcFtRogueApAlertTimeout
Value: 29
Use symbol extensions
Key: awcDot11SymbolExtensionsEnabled.2
Value: 2
where the possible values are T (true) and F (false)
Previewing the Template
Step 1 Click Preview. A window displays the configuration choices you have made to the
Step 2 Click Finish. (See Finishing the Template, page 3-89.)
Finishing the Template
Step 1 Click Finish in the left pane to complete creating a template. The Finish dialog
box appears in the right pane.
Note It is recommended that you always validate the template before saving