Cisco Systems 1105 Automobile Parts User Manual

Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Using the Templates
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Classify workgroup bridges as network infrastructure
Value: false
where the possible values are T (true) and F (false)
Set the DHCP Client Identifier Type
Value: ethernet10Mb
where the possible values are text or numeric:
ethernet10Mb or 1
experimentalEthernet3Mb or 3
amateurRadioAxDot25 or 3proteonProNetTokenRing or 4
chaos or 5
ieee802Networks or 6
arcnet or 7
hyperchannel or 8
lanstar or 9
autonet or 10
localTalk or 11
localNet or 12
nonHardware or 128
Set the DHCP client Identifier Value
Key: bootconfigDhcpClientIdValue
Value: 22