The clearance is adjusted by replacing the existing tappet shim
by a thicker or thinner shim.
• Remove the intake or exhaust camshafts.
• Remove the tappet and shim by fingers or magnetic hand.
• Check the figures printed on the shim. These figures indicate
the thickness of the shim, as illustrated.
• Select a replacement shim that will provide a clearance within
the specified range. For the purpose of this adjustment, a total
of 25 sizes of tappet shim are available ranging from 1.20 to
2.20 mm in steps of 0.05 mm. Fit the selected shim to the
valve stem end, with numbers toward tappet. Be sure to
check shim size with micrometer to ensure its size. Refer to
the tappet shim selection table
(c::::r2-11, 2-12) for details.
* Be sure to apply engine oil to tappet shim top
* When seating the tappet shim, be sure the figure printed sur-
face faces the tappet.
Reinstall the camshafts in the specified manner. (c::::r3-98)
• After replacing the tappet shim and camshafts, rotate the
engine so that the tappet is depressed fully. This will squeeze
out oil trapped between the shim and the tappet that could
cause an incorrect measurement. Then check the clearance
again to confirm that it is within the specified range.
• After finishing the valve clearance adjustment, reinstall the fol-
lowing items.
* Cylinder head cover (c::::r3-103)
* Spark plug and plug cap (c::::r2-7)
* Valve timing inspection plug (c::::r3-103)
8 ¢
1.70 mm