Do not rotate the camshaft with the plastigauge in place.
• Remove the camshaft holders, and read the width of the com-
pressed plastigauge with envelope scale.
• This measurement should be taken at the widest part.
• If the camshaft journal oil clearance measured exceeds the
limit, measure the inside diameter of the camshaft journal
holder and outside diameter of the camshaft journal.
• Replace the camshaft or the cylinder head depending upon
which one exceeds the specification.
Camshaft journal holder I.D.:
Standard: (IN. & EX.):
24.012 – 24.025 mm (0.9454 – 0.9459 in)
09900-20602: Dial gauge (1/1000, 1 mm)
09900-22403: Small bore gauge (18 – 35 mm)
Camshaft journal O.D.:
Standard (IN. & EX.):
23.959 – 23.980 mm (0.9433 – 0.9441 in)
09900-20205: Micrometer (0 – 25 mm)
• Measure the runout using the dial gauge.
• Replace the camshaft if the runout exceeds the limit.
Camshaft runout:
Service Limit (IN. & EX.): 0.10 mm (0.004 in)
09900-20607: Dial gauge (1/100 mm)
09900-20701: Magnetic stand
09900-21304: V-block set (100 mm)
• Inspect the sprocket teeth for wear.
• If they are worn, replace the sprocket/camshaft assembly and
cam chain as a set.