Kawasaki Z750 Camper User Manual

DFI System Troubleshooting Guide
Symptoms or Possible Causes Actions (chapter)
Fuel poor quality or incorrect (Use the gasoline
recommended in the Owner’s Manual)
Change fuel (see chapter 3).
Spark plug incorrect Replace it w ith the correct plug (see chapter 16).
Stick coil trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
IC igniter in ECU trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
Inlet air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Atmospheric pressure sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Miscellaneous :
Subthrottle sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Subthrottle valve actuator trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Speed sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Throttle valves won’t fully open
Inspect throttle cable and lever linkage (see
chapter 3).
Brake dragging
Inspect caliper fluid seal damage or clogging
of master cylinder relief and supply ports (see
chapter 12).
Clutch slipping Inspect friction plates for wear (see chapter 6).
Engine overheating - water temperature sensor,
crankshaft sensor or speed sensor trouble
(see Overheating of Troubleshooting Guide in
chapter 17).
Engine oil level too high Repair (see chapter 7).
Engine oil viscosity too high Change (see chapter 3).
Drive train trouble
Inspect drive chain (see chapter 2) and sprockets
(see chapter 11).
Camshaft cam worn Inspect and replace (see chapter 5).
Vacuum switch valve trouble Inspect and replace (see chapter 5).
Air suction valve trouble Inspect and replace (see chapter 5).
Catalytic converters melt down due to muffler
overheating (KLEEN)
Replace muffler (see chapter 5).
Exhaust Smokes Excessively :
(White smokes)
Piston oil ring worn
Inspect and replace (see chapter 5).
Cylinder worn Inspect and replace (see chapter 5).
Valve oil seal damaged Replace (see chapter 5).
Valve guide worn Replace the guide (see chapter 5).
Engine oil level too high Repair (see chapter 7).
(Black smoke)
Air cleaner clogged Clean (see chapter 3).
Choke lever pulled Push it (see chapter 3).
Too high fuel pressure Inspect (see chapter 3) .
Injector stuck open Inspect ( see chapter 3).
Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect and replace (see chapter 3).
Inlet air temperature sensor trouble Inspect and replace (see chapter 3).
(Brown smoke)
Air cleaner duct l oose
Reinstall (see chapter 3).
Air cleaner O-ring damaged Replace (see chapter 3).