Periodic M aintenance Procedures
Final Drive
Drive Chain Slack Inspection
Check the slack with the m otorcycle setting on its side
Clean the chain if it is dirty, and lubricate it if it appears
Check the wheel alignment (see Wheel Alignment Inspec-
Rotate the rear w heel to find the position where the chain
is tightest.
Measure the vertical movem ent (chain slack) [A] midway
between the sprockets.
If the chain slack exceeds the standard, adjust it.
Chain Slack
Standard: 2 5 ∼ 35 mm (1.0 ∼ 1.4 in.)
Drive Chain Slack Adjustment
Remove the cotter pin [A], and loosen the axle nut [B].
Loosen the both chain adjuster locknuts [C].
If the chain is too loose, turn out the left and right chain
adjuster [D] evenly.
If the chain is too tight, turn in the left and right chain
adjusters evenly, and kick the wheel forward.
Turn both chain adjusters evenly until the drive chain has
the correct amount of slack. To keep the chain and w heel
properly aligned, the notch [E] on the left wheel alignment
indicator [F] should align with the same swingarm mark or
position [G] that the right indicator notch aligns with.
Misalignment of the wheel w ill result in abnormal
wear and may result in an unsafe riding condition.
Tighten both chain adjuster locknuts securely.
Tighten the axle nut.
Torque - Rear Axle Nut: 108 N·m (11 kgf·m, 80 ft·lb)
Turn the wheel, measure the chain slack again at the tight-
est position, and readjust if necessary.
Insert a new cotter pin [A].
When inserting the cotter pin, if the slots in the nut do
not align with the cotter pin hole in the axle, tighten the
nut clockwise [B] up to next alignment.
It should be within 30 degree.
Loosen once and tighten again when the slot goes past
the nearest hole.