Electrical Wiring
Wiring Inspection
Visually inspect the wiring for signs of burning, fraying,
If any wiring is poor, replace the damaged wiring.
Pull each connector [A] apart and inspect it for corrosion,
dirt, and damage.
If the connector is corroded or dirty, clean it carefully. If it
is damaged, replace it.
Check the wiring for continuity.
Use the wiring diagram to find the ends of the l ead which
is suspected of being a problem.
Connect the hand tester between the ends of the leads.
Special Tool - H and Tester: 57001–1394
Set the tester to the × 1 Ω range, and read the tester.
If the tester does not read 0 Ω, the lead is defective. Re-
place the lead or the wiring harness [B], [C], [D], [E] if