1) No need of t opping–up
No topping–up is necessary in this battery until it ends
its life under normal use. F
orcibly prying off the seat cap
to add water is very da ngerous. Never do that.
2) Refreshing charge
If an engine will not start, a horn sounds weak, or
lamps are dim, it indicates the battery has been dis-
charged. Give refresh charge for 5 to 10 hours with
charge current shown in the specification (see the this
When a fast charge is inevitably required, do it fol-
lowing precisely the maximum charge current and time
conditions indicated on the battery.
This battery is designed to sustain no unusual
deterioration if refresh-charged according to the
method specified above. H
owever, the battery’s
performance may be reduced noticeably if charged
under conditions other than given above.
Never remove the seal caps during refresh charge.
If by chance an excessive amount of gas is gener-
ated due to overcharging, the relief valve releases
the gas to keep the battery normal.
3) When you do not use the motorcycle for months:
Give a refresh charge before you store the motorcycle
and store it with the negative cable removed. Give a
refresh charge once a month during storage.
4) Battery life:
If the battery w ill not start the engine even after sev-
eral refresh charges, the battery has exceeded its use-
ful life. Replace it. (Provided, how ever, the vehicle’s
starting system has no problem.)
Keep the battery away from sparks and open flames
during charging, since the battery gives off an ex-
plosive gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. When
using a battery charger, connect the battery to the
charger before turning on the charger. This proce-
dure prevents sparks at the battery terminals which
could ignite any battery gases.
No fire should be drawn near the battery, or no ter-
minals should have the tightening loosened.
The electrolyte contains sulfuric acid. Be careful
not to have it touch your skin or eyes. If touched,
wash it off with liberal amount of water. Get medical
attention if severe.