Steerin g Stem
Install the claw washer [A] so that its bent side [B] faces
upward, and engage the bent claws with t he grooves of
stem locknut [C].
Hand tighten the stem locknut until it touches the claw
Tighten the stem locknut clockwise until the claws are
aligned with the grooves (ranging from 2nd to 4th) of stem
nut [D], and bend the 2 claws downward [E].
Install the stem head.
Install the washer, and tighten the stem head bolt with
specified torque.
Install t he steering stem head bolt plug.
Install the front fork (see Suspension chapter).
Tighten the fork upper clamp bolts first, next the stem
head nut, last the fork lower clamp bolts.
Tighten the two clamp bolts alternately two times to en-
sure even tightening torque.
Torque - Steering Stem Head Bolt : 108 N·m (11 kgf·m, 80
Front Fork Clamp Bolts (Upper) :
20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m, 14 ft·lb)
Front Fork Clamp Bolts (Lower) :
20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m, 14 ft·lb)
Do not impede the handlebar turning by routing the
cables, harnesses and hoses improperly (see Ap-
pendix chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Stem Bearing Lubrication
Refer to the Steering in t he Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Steering Stem Warp
Whenever the steering stem is removed, or if the steering
cannot be adjusted for smooth action, check the steering
stem for straightness.
If the steering stem [A] is bent, replace the steering stem.