Front Fork
Hold the outer tube vertically in a vise and compress the
fork completely.
Wait until the oil level stabilizes.
Use the fork oil level gauge [A] to m easure the distance
between the top of the inner tube to the oil level.
Special Tool - Fork Oil Level Gauge: 57001–1290
Set t he oil level gauge stopper [B] s o that the distance [C]
from the bottom of the stopper to the lower end of the pipe
is the standard oil level distance.
A correct measurement can not be obtained unless the
level gauge pipe is placed in the center of the inner tube.
Oil Level (fully compressed, without spring)
Standard: 115 ±2 mm (4.53 ±0.08 in.)
Place the stopper of the level gauge at the top [E] of the
inner tube [D] and pull the handle slowly to draw out the
excess oil from fork into the gauge, thus attaining the stan-
dard level.
If not oil is drawn out, there i s not enough oil in the fork.
Pour in some more oil and measure again.
Repeat the same procedure for adjusting the other fork.
Install the fork spring [A], fork spring seat [B] and collar
Inspect the top plug O -ring and replace it with a new one.
Install the front fork (see Front Fork Installation).
Front Fork Disassembly
Remove the front fork (see Front Fork Removal).
Remove the top plug [A] with O -ring, take out the collar
[B], spring seat [C], and spring [D].
Drain the fork oil ( see Fork Oil Change).
Remove the Allen bolt [C] from the bottom of the fork.
Special Tools - Fork Cylinder Holder Handle: 57001-183 [D]
Fork Cylinder Holder Adapter: 57001-1057
Hold the outer tube in a vise [A], stop the cylinder unit
[B] from turning by using the special tools, and unscrew
the Allen bolt.