Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Back out the same num ber of turns counted when first
turned in. This is to set the screw to its original position.
A throttle body has different “turns out” of the bypass
screw for each individual unit. When setting the bypass
screw, use the “turns out” determined during disassem-
bly. Use the specifications in this manual only if the orig-
inal number is unknown.
Repeat the same procedure for other bypass screws.
Repeat the synchronization.
If the vacuums are correct, check the output voltage of
the main throttle sensor (see Output Voltage Inspection of
Main Throttle Sensor in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
Main Throttle Sensor Output Voltage
Connections to ECU
Meter (+) → Y/W lead (terminal 2)
Meter (–) → BR/BK lead (terminal 14)
0.99 ∼ 1.03 V DC (at idle throttle opening)
If the output voltage is out of the range, check the throttle
input voltage (see Input Voltage Inspection of Main Throt-
tle Sensor in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
Remove the vacuum gauge hoses and install the vacuum
hoses and rubber caps on the original position as shown.
Vacuum Switch Valve Hose (small) [A]
Inlet Air Pressure Sensor Hose [B]
Front [C]
Air Cleaner Element Cleaning
In dusty areas, the element should be c leaned more
frequently than the recommended interval.
After riding through rain or on muddily roads, the ele-
ment should be cleaned immediately.
If dirt or dust is allowed to pass through into the
throttle assy, the throttle may become stuck, possi-
bly causing accident.
If dirt gets through into the engine, excessive en-
gine wear and possibly engine damage will occur.
Clean the element in a well-ventilated area, and take
care that there are no sparks or flame anywhere
near the working area; this includes any appliance
with a pilot light.
Because of the d anger of highly flammable liquids,
do not use gasoline or a low flash-point solvent to
clean the element.