Camshaft Chain Tensione r
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Removal
This is a non-return type camshaft chain tensioner.
The push rod does not return to its original position
once it moves out to take up camshaft chain slack.
Observe all the rules listed below:
When removing the tensioner, do not take out the
mounting bolts only halfway. Retightening the
mounting bolts from this position could damage
the tensioner and the camshaft chain. Once the
bolts are loosened, the tensioner must be removed
and reset as described in "Camshaft Chain Ten-
sioner Installation."
Do not turn over the crankshaft while the tensioner
is removed. This could upset the camshaft chain
timing, and damage the valves.
Fuel Tank (see Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Cap Bolt [A ]
Washer [B]
Spring [C]
Rod [D]
Remove the mounting bolts [E] and take off the camshaft
chain tensioner.
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Installation
Release the stopper [A] and push the push rod [B] into
the tensioner body [C].
Install the tensioner body so that the stopper faces up-
Tighten the tensioner mounting bolts [A].
Torque - Camshaft Chain Tensioner Mounting Bolts: 11
N·m (1.1 kgf·m, 95 in·lb)
Install the rod, spring and washer.
Tighten the cap bolt [B].
Torque - Camshaft Chain Tensioner Cap Bolt: 28 N·m (2.9
kgf·m, 21 ft·lb)
Turn the crankshaft 2 turns clockwise to allow the ten-
sioner to expand and recheck the camshaft chain timing.