Periodic M aintenance Procedures
Although 10W-40 engine oil is the recommended oil
for most conditions, the oil viscosity may need to be
changed to accomm odate atmospheric conditions in
your riding area.
Oil Filter Change
Drain the engine oil (see Engine Oil Change).
Remove the oil filter [A] with the oil filter wrench [B].
Special Tool - Oil Filter Wrench: 57001–1249
Replace the filter with a new one.
Apply engine oil to the gasket [A] before installation.
Tighten the filter with the oil f ilter wrench.
To rque - Oil Filter: 31 N·m (3 .2 kgf·m, 23 ft·lb)
Hand tightening of the oil filter can not be allowed since
it does not reach to this tightening torque.
Pour in the specified type and amount of oil (see Engine
Oil Change).
Tire Wear Inspection
As the tire tread wears down, the tire becomes more sus-
ceptible to puncture and failure. An accepted estimate is
that 90% of all tire failures occur during the last 10% of tread
life (90% worn). So it is false economy and unsafe to use
the tires until they are bald.
Remove any imbedded stones or other foreign particles
from the tread.
Visually inspect the tire for cracks and cuts, replacing the
tire in case of damage. Swelling or high spots indicate
internal damage, requiring tire replacement.
Measure the tread depth at the center of the tread with a
depth gauge [A]. Since the tire may wear unevenly, take
measurement at several places.
If any measurement is less than the service limit, replace
the tire.