Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Measure the connecting rod big end inside diameter, and
mark each connecting rod big end in accordance with the
inside diameter.
Tighten the connecting rod big end nuts to the specified
torque (see Connecting Rod Installation).
The mark already on the big end should almost coincide
with the measurement.
Connecting Rod Big End Inside Diameter Marks
38.000 ∼ 38.008 mm (1.4961 ∼ 1.4964 in.)
38.009 ∼ 38.016 mm (1.4964 ∼ 1.4967 in.)
Connecting Rod [B]
Weight Mark, Alphabet [C]
Diameter Mark (Around Weight Mark) [D]: “
Select the proper bearing insert [A] in accordance with the
combination of the connecting rod and crankshaft coding.
Size Color [B]
Bearing Insert
Con-rod Big End
Inside Diameter
Size Color Part Number
None Brown 92139–1110
None None
Black 92139–1109
None Blue 92139–1108
Install the new inserts in the connecting rod and check
insert/crankpin clearance with the plastigage.
Crankshaft Side Clearance
Insert a thickness gauge [A] between the crankcase main
bearing and the crank web at the No. 2 journal [B] to
determine clearance.
If the clearance exceeds the service limit, replace t he
crankcase halves as a set.
The upper and lower crankcase halves are machined
at the factory in the assembled state, so the crankcase
halves must be replaced as a set.
Crankshaft Side Clearance
Standard: 0.05 ∼ 0.20 mm (0.0020 ∼ 0.0079 in.)
Service Limit: 0.40 mm (0.0157 in.)