Front Fork
Front Fork Removal
Front Wheel (see Tires/Wheels chapter)
Front Fender (see Frame chapter)
Fairing (see Frame chapter)
Loosen the handlebar bolt, upper fork clamp bolt and fork
top plug before-hand if the fork leg is to be disassembled.
Loosen the top plug after loosening the upper fork
clamp bolt.
Loosen the upper fork clamp bolt and lower fork clamp
bolts [A].
With a twisting motion, work the f ork leg down and out.
Front Fork Installation
Install the fork with the upper end of the inner tube flush
[A] against the top surface of the stem head [B].
Torque - Front Fork Clamp Bolts (Lower): 20 N·m (2.0
kgf·m, 14 ft·lb)
Front Fork Top Plug: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 ft·lb)
Tighten the top plug before tightening the upper fork
clamp bolt.
Tighten the two clamp bolts alternately two times to en-
sure even tightening torque.
Torque - Front Fork Clamp Bolt (Upper): 20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m,
14 ft·lb)
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Front Fork Oil Change
Remove the front fork (see Front Fork Removal).
Collar [B]
Fork Spring Seat [C]
Fork Spring [D]
Compress [B] the fork [A] upside down to draw out the oil
into the suitable container [C].
Pour in the specified amount of oil.
Fork Oil Viscosity: KAYABA KHL34–G10
Capacity (when changing
385 mL (13.01 US oz.)
Move the outer tube up and down a few times to remove
the air that is trapped in the fork oil in order to stabilize
the oil level.