Rear Suspension (Uni-Trak)
Using the hook wrench [A], turn the adjusting nut [B] as
required. Turning the adjusting nut downward marks the
spring action harder and upward softer.
Special Tool - Hook Wrench: 57001-1101
Spring Preload Adjustment
(Adjusting nut position [A] from the center
of the mounting hole)
Standard: 88.8 mm (KX 65 -A1 )
86.6 mm (KX65-A2)
79.6 mm (KX65-A3 ∼)
Adjustable Range:
82.8 ∼ 94.8 mm (KX6 5-A1 ∼ A2)
75.6 ∼ 83.6 m m (KX65-A3 ∼)
Tighten the locknut securely.
After adjusting, move the spring up and down to make
sure that the spring is seated.
Install the parts removed.
Tighten the rear frame mounting bolts.
Torque - Rear Frame Mounting Bolts: 34 N·m (3.5 kgf·m 25
Rear Shock Absorber Removal
Side Covers
Rear Frame
Air Cleaner Housing
Using the jack under the frame, raise the rear wheel off
the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
Remove the tie-rod front mounting bolt [A].
When pulling out the mounting bolts, lift the rear
wheel slightly. Forcing or tapping on a bolt could
damage the bolt, sleeve, and bearing
Remove the rear shock absorber mounting bolt B].