16 Installation for Stand-Alone Workstations SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide
Performing a Live Backup of SuccessMaker
Enterprise Database
The SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.6 live backup tool allows you to back up
your SuccessMaker Enterprise database without stopping the Sybase service.
Note: Pearson Digital Learning recommends that you make a backup of the
database at least once a week.
To back up your database, complete the following steps:
1. Create a folder where you want to save the backup files. You can
create the folder on any local drive. For example, you can create
the folder C:\Backup\SMEDatabase.
2. On your taskbar, click Start, and then click Run.
3. Type the following command line in the Run dialog box:
Livebackup X Y
In the command line:
Driveletter is the drive where the SuccessMaker Enterprise system
is installed.
X is the ODBC data source name of your SuccessMaker Enterprise
database. SME is the default.
Y is the path name of the backup folder.
The following is an example of a complete command line:
SME C:\Backup\SMEDatabase
4. Click OK.
Note: If you make a regular backup of your data on a tape drive or a Zip
drive (or any other media), do not make a backup of the SME.DB and
SME.LOG files in the \ResultsManager\SuccessMaker\Database folder.
Instead, you should make a backup of the files you save using the live
backup tool.
In the event that you need to restore your SuccessMaker Enterprise database
from a backup copy, contact Pearson Digital Learning Product Support at