SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide Updating Novell NetWare Servers to SME v1.6 179
9. Select the drive where you want to update your existing
SuccessMaker Enterprise management system, and then click
10. Click Yes to make a backup of the SuccessMaker Enterprise
database. This ensures recovery of the database if the update
process fails.
11. In the Server Information page, click Next. The Information
Summary page appears.
12. Click Next. The Setup Completed page appears.
13. Select the View log files checkbox if you want to view the log files
and click Finish.
14. You must now restart the Sybase Database NLM. Go to the next
Restarting the Sybase Database NLM
After the installation is complete, you need to restart your Sybase Database
NLM. To start the Sybase Database NLM, from the server Console prompt,
type the following:
load dbsrv8 -n SME -qp -ti 0 -c15% -x tcpip
Where, YYY is the name of the volume where SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.6
is installed.
When the database server loads successfully, a screen appears and indicates
that requests are now being accepted.
The update to the NetWare server is complete. To update your client
workstations, go to the next section.