192 Troubleshooting SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide
Unable to open and/or close the database.
• Check your ODBC system data source. The most common cause of
this error is an incorrect data source name, which should be SME
in all caps.
• Check the User ID and Password on the ODBC System Data
Source Login tab. They should both be “reports.”
Updating the SuccessMaker Enterprise Man-
agement System
The “SuccessMaker Enterprise Management System is
getting accessed” message appears.
Make sure that the ResultsManager folder is not open on any system in the
network. If the message continues to appear, it could be either because a
report service is running, or because the Sybase service is on.
Click OK. The Setup not completed page appears. Click Finish.
• To stop the report service, in Control Panel, open Administrative
Tools, and then double-click Services. Right-click the Report
Server service that is running, and then click Stop.
• To stop the Sybase service, click Start, point to Programs, point to
Sybase SQL Anywhere 8, and then click Sybase Central.
Close all Sybase services that are running.
Restarting Your Sybase Service
If you are unable to restart your Sybase database service after updating to
SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.6, make sure the SYSTEM account is added to
the Security properties of the SME shared folder.
Macintosh LAN Support Failure
Error installing ODBC message appears.
Make sure that you are logged in to the workstation as a user with
administrative rights. If the setup fails to create the ODBC datasource, install
the SuccessMaker Enterprise client to your workstation and then run the
Macintosh Lan Support Setup again.