
SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide Installation for Local Servers Running Novell NetWare 109
4. At the Welcome page, click Next. The Choose Destination Location
page appears.
5. Type or select the SYSTEM folder on your SYS volume, and then
click Next. The Select Components page appears.
6. Select the Adaptive Server Anywhere check box, clear the Java in
the Database check box, and then click Next. The Server License
page appears.
7. On the Server License page, type 500 in the Licensed Seats box.
8. Select the Networked Seat (per-seat) model option, and then click
Next. The Start Copying Files page appears.
9. Click Next.
10. Clear the Yes, I want to view the Read Me file check box, and
then click Finish.
11. You must now install the EBF patch on your server. Go to the next
Installing the EBF Patch
To install the EBF patch, complete the following steps:
1. From the SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.6 Management Setup CD,
open the Sybase4339\NetWare folder and run the setup.exe file.
2. At the Welcome page, click Next. The Current location page