
SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide Updating Microsoft Windows Servers to SME v1.6 163
Restarting the Sybase Database Service
After the installation is complete, you need to restart your Sybase Database
Service. To restart your Sybase service, complete the following steps:
1. On the taskbar of your Windows 2000/2003 server, click Start,
point to Programs, point to Sybase SQL Anywhere 8, and then
click Sybase Central. The Sybase Central window appears.
2. In the left panel, select the Services folder. The name of your
Sybase Database Service is seen in the right panel.
3. Right-click the Sybase Database Service and click Start. In the right
panel, ensure that the Status column indicates that the service has
changed from Stopped to Started.
4. Close the window.
Note: If you do not have Macintosh workstations, the update to the
Windows 2000/2003 server is complete. To update your client workstations,
go to “Updating Clients to SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.6” on page 166. If
you have Macintosh workstations, continue with the next section.
Removing a Macintosh LAN Report Service
To remove the old Macintosh report service, complete the following steps
from the server:
1. Open the \ResultsManager\SuccessMaker\Tools folder.
2. Right-click the RemoveReportService.bat file, and click Edit.
3. Locate the following line:
SC.exe delete "Report Server - Name"
4. Delete the existing report service name from the line given
above and in its place, type the name of the report service you
want to remove.
5. Save and close the file.
6. Double-click the RemoveReportService.bat file. This removes
the report service.
7. You must now install a Macintosh LAN report service. Go to
the next section.