SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide Updating Microsoft Windows Servers to SME v1.6 157
Backing Up the Existing Database
Pearson Digital Learning recommends that you make a backup copy of your
database and log file, and save them to another location (other than where
your current SuccessMaker Enterprise installation resides) before you
update to SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.6.
Note: Be sure that you perform the live backup of the SuccessMaker
Enterprise database before or after students are actively using the system. If
students are logging on or logging off during the live backup process, the
database could be adversely affected.
Note: To run the tool from a Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 server, you
must first create an ODBC data source. If you want to install an ODBC data
source, go to the \ResultsManager\SuccessMaker\ODBC folder and run the
setup.exe file. For more information, go to “Creating an ODBC Data Source”
on page 60.
To back up your database, complete the following steps:
1. Log on to a Windows workstation or a Windows 2000/2003 server
as a user with administrative rights to the SME shared folder.
2. Create a folder where you want to save the backup files. You can
create the folder on any local drive. For example, you can create
the folder C:\Backup\SMEDatabase.
3. On your taskbar, click Start, and then click Run.
4. Type the following command line in the Run dialog box:
Livebackup X Y
In the command line:
Driveletter is the drive where the SuccessMaker Enterprise system
is installed.
X is the ODBC data source name of your SuccessMaker Enterprise
database. SME is the default.
Y is the path name of the folder you created.
The following is an example of a complete command line:
SME C:\Backup\SMEDatabase
5. You must now stop the database service. Go to the next section.