Ignition System
Camshaft Position Sensor Removal
Fuel Ta
nk (see Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Camshaft Position Sensor Lead Connector [A] (discon-
Push th
e tongue [B] upside and take out the connector
from the bracket.
Camshaft Position Sensor Bolt [A]
Camshaft Position Sensor [B]
Camshaft Position Sensor Installation
Apply grease or engine oil to t he O-ring on the camshaft
position sensor.
Apply a non-parmanent locking agent to the sensor bolt.
Torque - Camshaft Position Sensor Bolt: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m,
104 in·lb)
Camshaft Position Sensor Inspection
Fuel Tank (see Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Camshaft Position Sensor Lead Connector [A] (discon-
Set the hand tester to the × 10 Ω range and connect it to
the yellow and black leads in the connector.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001–1394
If there is more resistance than the specified value, the
sensor coil has an open lead and must be replaced. Much
less than this resistance means the sensor coil is shorted,
and must be replaced.
Camshaft Position Sensor Resistance: 400 ∼ 460 Ω
Using the highest resistance range of the tester, mea-
sure the resistance between the Camshaft Position Sen-
sor leads and chassis ground.
Any tester reading l ess than infinity ( ∞) indicates a short,
necessitating replacement of the Camshaft Position Sen-