
DeLorme Topo North America Help
Accessing Data Collections
When the left map window is activated, a bar displays on the top of the left map (see
graphic below). This bar displays two drop-down lists: one for swapping data and one for
changing the map from 2-D to 3-D and vice versa. You can also use the Hybrid Map
to show roads on raster data and use zoom tools that work specifically with the left map
window. All of the compatible data collections that you saved to your hard disk drive are
available from the data drop-down list.
Note For more information about saving data to your hard disk drive, see Saving Data to
Your Hard Drive.
Note The graphic above displays Color Aerial Imagery, available separately from DeLorme.
Additional Facts About Split-Window Functionality
The maps interact as follows:
If you are viewing both the right and left maps at different data zoom levels, a box
(or lines, depending on the current data zoom level) displays on the map that is
zoomed out the furthest. The box/lines indicate the area that is in view on the
opposite map.
If you are viewing the right and left maps at the same data zoom level but they are
not equally represented on the screen (50/50), a box (or lines) displays on the map
that is covering the larger amount of screen area. The box/lines indicate the area
that is in view on the opposite map.
Both windows are centered on the same coordinate position. Panning or rotating in
one map causes the same action on both maps.
The left map window has its own zoom level controls. You can change the zoom level
of the left map without affecting the zoom level in the right map window. However,
after you adjust the zoom level in the left map window, the zoom tools on the
Control Panel
incrementally adjust the map. For example, if the left map is at zoom
level 6-0 and the right map at zoom level 8-0, and you click the Zoom Out 1 tool,
the left map displays at zoom level 5-0 and the right map at 7-0.
The overview map in the tab area is always associated with the right map window.
Other tab functionality may be affected by use of the split-screen function, as
DrawThe line and polygon draw tools work in either map window. The
Select tool
highlights the same draw object on both maps and you can
then manipulate both objects at the same time. Draw files are created for
both windows in the same project.
RouteYou can create routes only in the right window; routes display in both
GPSYou can log with GPS in the right map window; log playback displays in
both windows.
3-DThe 3-D map always displays in the left map window.