
DeLorme Topo North America Help
Scale Bar Label
km/m mi/ft NM/ft NM/m
1 1000km 500mi 500NM 500NM
2 500km 250mi 250NM 250NM
3 250km 125mi 125NM 125NM
4 125km 64mi 64NM 64NM
5 64km 32mi 32NM 32NM
6 32km 16mi 16NM 16NM
7 16km 8mi 8NM 8NM
8 8km 4mi 4NM 4NM
9 4km 2mi 2NM 2NM
10 2km 1mi 1NM 1NM
11 1km 0.5mi 0.5NM 0.5NM
12 400m 0.25mi 0.25NM 0.25NM
13 200m 640ft 640ft 200m
14 100m 320ft 320ft 100m
15 50m 160ft 160ft 50m
16 25m 80ft 80ft 25m
17 12m 40ft 40ft 12m
Using Third-party GPS Devices
Sending Route Information
Third-party GPS
If you have a compatible GPSor athletic device, you can use the Exchange Wizard to send
route points or route directions to your device.
To Send Route Points
Use the following steps to send route points to your device.
1. Connect your device to your computer.
You may have to use specific settings for your device. For example, if you are using
a GARMIN GPS receiver, set your GARMIN receiver interface to GRMN/GRMN. For
more information, see your device owner manual.
2. Click the arrow next to the Sync button
on the toolbar and click Other
Device to open the Exchange Wizard.