Polycom, Inc. 587
System Backup and Recovery
This chapter provides an overview of the Polycom
Managersystem backup and recovery procedures. It includes these topics:
• “Create System Backups” on page 587
• “Restore the System” on page 588
The backup and recovery of a RealPresence Resource Manager system
includes backup and recovery of the RealPresence Resource Manager system
internal database and the backup of the RealPresence Resource Manager
system configuration settings.
Create System Backups
Polycom recommends creating and downloading a system archive weekly.
This archive makes system restoration much simpler.
Users assigned the Administrator role can create backups of the existing
system. They can create and download a system backup archive (
which includes both the database backup files and the system settings.
Backup the System Settings
This topic describes how to create a backup archive of a RealPresence Resource
Manager system including system configuration settings and database files.
Once the backup archive is downloaded, it can be used to restore the system
to its last archived configuration after a disastrous system failure.
To backup the system settings
1 From the RealPresence Resource Manager system web interface, go to
Admin > Backup System Settings.