Manage User Roles Managing Users
Polycom, Inc. 361
To delete a user role
1 Go to User > User Roles.
2 As needed, use the Filter to customize the User Roles list.
3 In the User Roles list, select the role of interest and click Delete.
4 Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The user role is deleted from the RealPresence Resource Manager system.
View the Groups and Users Associated with a User Role
To view which groups and users are associated with a specific user role
1 Go to User > User Roles.
2 As needed, use the Filter to customize the User Roles list.
3 In the User Roles list, select the role of interest and click View Associated
Groups and Users.
The View Associated Groups and Users dialog box appears.
Assign Users to Manage an Area(s)
This task is only available if areas have been enabled (multi-tenancy).
In order to perform RealPresence Resource Manager system tasks within an
area, the user must be allowed to manage that area. Allowing a user to manage
an area means allowing them to perform the duties associated with their role
in the areas that they are allowed to manage.
A user can be allowed to manage:
• Zero areas. This means that user cannot perform any tasks in any area.
• One Area. This means that the user can perform role-based tasks for the
area he manages. You must indicate which area you want the user to
• Multiple areas. This means the user can perform role-based tasks in each
area that he manages. You must indicate which areas you want the user to
• All areas. A user can manage all areas if he is assigned a system role or if
his role includes the View and/or Modify All areas permission. If the user
has this role, you do not need to explicitly allow him to manage an area or
For example, a user with the area scheduler role can belong to the yellow area
and allowed to schedule conferences in both the yellow and blue areas if he has
permission to manage the blue area as well as the yellow area.