
Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Manage Users
354 Polycom, Inc.
Updating Users by Import
You can also use the Import Local Users action to update existing users.
The CSV format for updating an existing user is the same as that used for
adding a user except that the password field must be blank. For each existing
username whose attributes are to be updated, the CSV format is:
Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, Title, Dept, City, Phone
Number, Role(s),
Note that the comma after the Role(s) field is still required.
A single CSV file may contain both users to be added and users to be updated.
The system will automatically determine whether you are intending to add or
update a user by whether the username already exists in the system or not:
The following fields cannot be changed using the Import Local Users action.
An existing user’s username
An existing user’s password
Any of the attributes not specified in the Import CSV format
The following rules apply when updating existing users.
The Username must already exist in the selected area.
You can only change an existing user’s username by using the Resource
Manager system user interface.
The Password must be blank. If a password is specified, the update for that
user will fail such that none of the fields will be updated.
You cannot change a user’s password with an import. You must use the
system’s web interface.
Fields that are left blank will replace any existing data that the Resource
Manager system has for that user with a blank.
There is no way to indicate that any of the user’s data should be left as is.
All other user attributes not included in the CSV format, such as which
areas a user manages, will not be modified by an Import.
Importing a CSV file that has existing usernames will overwrite existing data.
Make sure the CSV data is at least as current as what is in RealPresence
Resource Manager system. Determining existing user data can be done
one-by-one and manually via the RealPresence Resource Manager system user
interface (currently there is no way to export local user data in bulk).