Site Link Statistics Report System Reports
Polycom, Inc. 549
Site Link Statistics Report
Use the Site Link Statistics report to check call rate and call quality statistics
for all site links. You can view the data in a grid or graphically.
To view Site Link Statistics
1 Go to Reports > Site Link Statistics.
The Site Link Statistics appear with the statistics displayed in a grid. The
grid shows a snapshot of the current statistics. The data is updated
automatically every 15 seconds
2 To view the Site Link Statistics graphically:
a Click View Chart.
b In the Site Name list, select the site(s) to chart.
c In the Y-Axis list, select the statistic(s) to chart.
Column Description
Site Link Name Specifies the two linked sites for which the statistics
Num of Calls Specifies the number of currently active calls for the
site link.
% Bandwidth Used Specifies the percentage of bandwidth used by the
currently active calls, that is, the bandwidth used by
the currently active calls divided by the total available
bandwidth for the link expressed as a percentage.
Bandwidth Specifies the total bandwidth of the link.
Avg Bit Rate Specifies the average bit rate for the currently active
calls, that is, the total bit rate for all currently active
calls divided by the number of active calls.
% Packet Loss Specifies the average percentage of packet loss for
the currently active calls that is, the total percentage
of packet loss for all currently active calls divided by
the number of active calls.
Avg Jitter Specifies the average jitter for the currently active
calls that is, the total jitter for all currently active calls
divided by the number of active calls.
Avg Delay Specifies the average delay for the currently active
calls that is, the total delay for all currently active calls
divided by the number of active calls.