Setting up Endpoint Naming and Number Schemes Using Site Provisioning Profiles
Polycom, Inc. 239
If you choose to provision H.323 settings through a site provisioning profile,
you can also define the E.164 number and system naming scheme used for
This section discusses these topics:
• “Considerations for Multi-Tenancy” on page 239
• “Define an E.164 Address Scheme” on page 239
• “Define a System Naming Scheme” on page 240
Considerations for Multi-Tenancy
You can set up different naming schemes for each area within your
RealPresence Resource Manager system.
Define an E.164 Address Scheme
You can define an E.164 address scheme that will be provisioned to all
dynamically-managed endpoints.
To define an E.164 address scheme for dynamically-managed endpoints
1 Navigate to Admin > Topology > E.164 Numbering.
2 Define your numbering scheme according to the options provided.
The administrator has the following options when implementing an E.164
numbering scheme:
Option Usage
Select Area When areas are enabled, you can select an area to which you
want to apply this E.164 numbering scheme.
This field is only available to users who manage more than
one area. The drop-down list lists only those areas that the
user has permission to manage.
Users with the administrator role can always select an area
when areas are enabled.
Prefix •No Prefix—The system will not append a prefix to create
the E.164 assignment.
•A Number —The system appends the prefix specified to
create the E.164 assignment.
• Based on Device Type—The system appends a Device
Type prefix to create the E.164 assignment.
You can use the suggested prefix or click the Device
Number field to edit the prefix for the device type.