Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Territories
422 Polycom, Inc.
A territory is a set of one or more sites for which a RealPresence Resource
Manager system is responsible. By default, there is one territory named
Default Resource Manager Territory, and its primary node (the RealPresence
Resource Manager system responsible for it) is set to this system. For more
information, see “Territories” on page 422.
Territory operations include:
• “View the Territory List” on page 422
• “Add a Territory” on page 422
• “Edit a Territory” on page 422
• “Delete a Territory” on page 423
View the Territory List
To view the Territories list
>> Go to Admin > Topology > Territories.
The Territories list appears.
Add a Territory
To add a territory
1 Go to Admin > Topology > Territories.
2 In the Territories page, click Add.
3 Complete the Territory Info and Associated Sites sections of the Add
Territories dialog box. For information about these fields, see “Add/Edit
Territory Dialog Box” on page 409.
4 Click OK.
Edit a Territory
To edit a territory
1 Go to Admin > Topology > Territories.
2 In the Territories page, select the territory of interest and click Edit.