
Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Available Settings for a Site Provisioning Profile
236 Polycom, Inc.
User Display Name Specify whether the RealPresence Resource Manager system should identify users
by their common name (cn) or their DisplayName. These names are extracted from
the Active Directory.
Enterprise Directory
Admin Group
Specify the Active Directory group whose members should have access to the Admin
settings on the HDX system. This name must exactly match the name in the Active
Directory server for authentication to succeed.
Enterprise Directory
User Group
Specify the Active Directory group whose members should have access to the User
settings on the HDX system. This name must exactly match the name in the Active
Directory server for authentication to succeed.
Directory Settings
Use Default Directory
This Server
Specify When the Specify radio button is marked, you can use the Directory Server field
enter the IP address of the directory server you wish to use.
Verify Certificate
Presence Settings
Use Presence
Directory Server
This Server
Specify When the Specify radio button is marked, you can use the Presence Server field
enter the IP address of the presence server you wish to use.
Verify Certificate
Table 16-1 Available Settings for a Site Provisioning Profile
Field For the endpoint systems at the site being provisioned...