Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Working with Management Roles and
334 Polycom, Inc.
3 Implement either option 1 or 2, but also create additional unique,
workflow-driven user roles and determine which permissions to assign
to those user roles.
Some important notes about user roles and permissions:
• Users (local and enterprise) may be assigned more than one role. In this
case, the permissions associated with those roles are cumulative; a user
has all of the permissions assigned to all of his roles.
• Users (local and enterprise) may be assigned roles as an individual and as
part of a group. Again, the permissions associated with those roles are
cumulative; a user has all of the permissions assigned to all of his roles no
matter how that role is assigned.
• Users assigned a role with any one of the Administrator Permissions are
generally referred to as administrators. Users assigned a role with any one
of the Operator Permissions and none of the Administrator Permissions
are referred to as Operators. Users assigned a user role with Scheduler
Permissions and none of the Administrator or Operator Permissions are
referred to as Schedulers.
Default System Roles and Permissions
The RealPresence Resource Manager system includes a default set of
management roles. Roles are associated with a set of permissions that allow
the user to perform certain management tasks. Users see only the menus,
pages, and functions associated with their roles.
While the RealPresence Resource Manager system allows administrators
almost unlimited flexibility in defining roles, for simplicity and clarity, we
recommend keeping the default roles with their default permissions and
responsibilities. Because users can be assigned multiple roles, and permissions
are cumulative, your business can combine roles as needed to reflect the
workload your people undertake to manage and use the system.
The following table identifies the default system roles. Each of these roles is
discussed in more detail in the following sections:
• “Scheduler Roles, Responsibilities, and Menus” on page 337
• “Operator Role, Responsibilities, and Menus” on page 338
• “Device Administrator Role, Responsibilities, and Menus” on page 339
• “Auditor Role, Responsibilities, and Menus” on page 339
• “Administrator Role, Responsibilities, and Menus” on page 340
To ensure RealPresence Resource Manager system access and stability, the
default Administrator role cannot be deleted or edited.