Edit an MCU Bridge Managing MCU Bridges
Polycom, Inc. 295
Edit an MCU Bridge
To edit an MCU from the RealPresence Resource Manager system
1 Go to Network Device > MCUs.
2 As needed, use the Filter to customize the MCU list.
3 Select the MCU of interest and click Edit.
4 Complete the Identification, Addresses, Capabilities, MCU Services,
MCU Resources, and MCU Cascading sections of the Edit Device dialog
At a minimum, assign the MCU a System Name.
Field Description
System Name The name of the MCU.
• MCU names must be unique.
• The name must be in ASCII only and may have an
unlimited number of characters. Spaces, dashes,
and underscores are valid.
• When retrieved from the MCU, the name is taken
from the H.323 ID if the MCU registered with the
gatekeeper and it is a third-party system. In other
cases, it is the system name, which might be
different than the H.323 ID.
DNS Name The DNS name of the MCU.
Device Type The type of MCU.
IP Address The assigned IP address of the MCU
Site The network site for the MCU. By default, MCUs are
added to the Primary Site.
Description A free-form text field (Extended ASCII only) in which
information about the MCU can be added
Serial Number The serial number (ASCII only) of the MCU.The serial
number displays if the MCU is registered successfully
or is managed.
Software Version The version of the software installed on the MCU
(ASCII only). The MCU provides the version number if
it registered successfully or is managed.