Web Scheduler’s Guide
80 Polycom, Inc.
Bridge (MCU) Features
The Bridge (MCU) Features section, which applies only for conferences that
use an MCU, has these fields.
On the Future and Anytime screens, the list of participants identifies users,
rooms, and guests invited to participate. The list on the Ongoing screen
identifies participants actively on a call.
Section Description
MCU Name The MCU device name hosting the conference. Not
applicable when the conference is not being hosted on
an MCU.
Numeric ID The unique conference identifier assigned by the MCU
Entry Queue
Whether or not the conference has an entry queue
The RealPresence Resource Manager system enables
entry queues on a per MGC basis and all conferences on
an entry queue enabled MGC will be scheduled with
entry queue access.
Meet Me per Conf Whether or not the a conference is a Meet Me
conference, for which a dial-in number is assigned, so
that undefined participants can connect to the
Conference on
(MGC only) Indicates whether or not the MGC is set to
Conference on Port, which conserves bandwidth and
ports. In this case, all participants are on a single video
port and use the same connection speed and video
Message Service
Displays the type of messages participants joining the
conference hear. Possible values are:
• None
• Welcome (No wait)
• Attended (Wait)
Message Service
Name on the MCU of the Message Service. So, for
example, a service name IVR70 which provides the IVR