Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Using Scheduled Provisioning
164 Polycom, Inc.
Actions in the Scheduled Provisioning View
Besides providing access to the endpoint views, the Actions section of the
Scheduled Provisioning View also includes these commands:
Field Description
Filter The filter choice for endpoint types that can be
scheduled for provisioning. Possible values include:
• HDX Series—Displays the Polycom HDX systems
operating in scheduled management mode.
• LifeSize®
• QDX Series
• V and VSX Series
Status The status of the endpoint’s last provisioning process.
Possible values include:
• Success
• Failed
Name The system name of the endpoint.
Type The type of endpoint. Scheduled provisioning is only
available for the endpoints types listed in this table as
Filter selections.
IP Address The IP address assigned to the endpoint.
Last The date and time of the endpoint’s last provisioning,
unless its status has been cleared.
Pending When the endpoint is scheduled for provisioning, this
field shows the provisioning profile to be used for the
scheduled provisioning process.
Scheduled When the endpoint is scheduled for provisioning, this
field shows the date and time for the next scheduled
provisioning process.