Polycom, Inc. 493
Configuring Multi-Tenancy
The Polycom
Resource Manager system supports
multi-tenancy with its areas feature. Multi-tenancy allows you to use the
system to service multiple customers, internal or external. Each area serves a
system tenant by partitioning off a collection of resources including users,
associated endpoints, network devices, etc.
Administration and conferencing duties for areas can then be delegated to
users within that area or by a set of super users who are allowed to view and
manage all areas. You can set up flexible scenarios by having an area scheduler
or area operator for each respective tenant or area. Otherwise, you can limit
area administration tasks to users specifically allowed to manage that area.
For example, in an enterprise deployment, the RealPresence Resource
Manager system administrator can divide up users and resources according to
department and then delegate video conferencing duties to users within that
area. This allows the system administration duties to remain with a specialized
video IT department, while video conference scheduling can be delegated to
users within specific areas. Areas also allow the administrator to run
area-specific reports on how specific departments within the enterprise are
utilizing video conferencing.
Planning For Multi-Tenancy
You should plan your multi-tenancy environment so that you can ensure
scalability and efficient use of resources. Setting up the Resource Manager
system for multi-tenancy should use the following best practices:
• RealPresence Resource Manager system does not support integration with
more than one Active Directory or multi-forest Active Directory
integrations. If you need to support users that reside in different Active
Directories or different Active Directory forests, you cannot use the
Resource Manager system’s integration with Active Directory feature.
The Areas feature of the Resource Manager system is a licensed feature.
Contact your sales representative for more details.