
AV8OR User’s Guide Aviation Mode Operation
Flight Plan Function
Pub. No D200803000008 Page 3-58 Revision July 2008.
© Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of
Figure 3-79: Flight Plan - User Waypoint List
The user can tap the NEW WPT soft key to define a new WPT. A
maximum of 1000 user WPTs can be created.
The user can also tap the EDIT WPT soft key to edit the selected
WPT’s parameters.
Figure 3-80: Flight Plan – New/Edit User Waypoint
When the user creates a new WPT or edits an existing WPT, the
User Waypoint Edit page is shown. The AV8OR system creates a
default: Ident name, Icon, Position, Comment 1 and Comment 2
parameters for the new WPT. The default Ident name is in the format
USRXXX and the default position is the current aircraft’s position.
In the User Waypoint Edit page the user can edit all these
parameters. Highlight the Ident item, and the CLEAR IDENT soft key
becomes available to clear the current Ident name. Highlight the