Honeywell AV8OR GPS Receiver User Manual

AV8OR User’s Guide Aviation Mode Operation
VFR Moving Map Function
Pub. No D200803000008 Page 3-28 Revision July 2008.
© Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of
Figure 3-29: Map – Direct-To OFF
Direct-To Navigation lets the user set a course line from his current
position to any other position. Direct-To Navigation can be done with
the methods that follow:
Create a Direct-To course from the Map.
Create a Direct-To course from the keyboard entry.
Re-center the aircraft when Direct-To is already enabled
Bypass a WPT with a flight plan active
Enter a new WPT with a flight plan active.
Create a Direct-To course from the Map
Pan and zoom in/out on the map to find the NAVAID point you want
to s
et a course to. Tap on the NAVAID point to show its name, more
detail information about the NAVAID point is shown by tapping the
MORE INFO soft key, as shown in Figure 3-30.