Honeywell AV8OR GPS Receiver User Manual

AV8OR User’s Guide Automotive Mode Operation
Pub. No D200803000008 Page 4-91 Revision July 2008.
© Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of
Icon Color Name Description
Sky view
The virtual sky
shows the visible
part of the sky
above you, with
your position as the
center. The
satellites are
shown at their
current positions.
The GPS receives
data from both the
green and yellow
satellites. Signals
from the yellow
satellites are only
received, while
green ones are
used by the GPS to
calculate your
current location.
Coordinates Your current GPS
position in WGS84
n/a Status bar for the
Dark bars are for the
yellow and lit bars
are for the green
satellites. The more
satellites your GPS
tracks (the green
ones), the better is
your calculated
Find menu
Select the destination of your route. Tap the following soft Keys: