AV8OR User’s Guide Aviation Mode Operation
VFR Moving Map Function
Pub. No D200803000008 Page 3-22 Revision July 2008.
© Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of
SmartProfile displays the vertical profile of the flight path along the
route of flight above the title bar. A cross section of the terrain for the
flight is shown on the vertical profile. A dashed line is shown to
represent the altitude of the flight path.
If SmartProfile is OFF, touching the soft key toggles SmartProfile to
ON. The map image shrinks 25%.
Figure 3-21: Map - Vertical Profile On
If SmartProfile is ON touching the soft key toggles the SmartProfile
to OFF.
Tapping the CHANGE VIEW soft key toggles the display through the
different map types. The Map page defaults to Topo On.