Honeywell AV8OR GPS Receiver User Manual

AV8OR User’s Guide Automotive Mode Operation
Pub. No D200803000008 Page 4-27 Revision July 2008.
© Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of
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Toll Roads
Charge Roads
Cross-border Planning
Carpool Lanes (appears only when used in the USA)
Go Drive automatically recalculates the route if you deviate from the
proposed itinerary. For further information about Route Planning
options, refer to the Settings Menu section.
The Itinerary is the list of the route events, that is, the driving
Figure 4-5: Itinerary
When you are on the Map screen, you can display the Itinerary in
one of the following ways:
Tap the area between the Turn preview and the Travel data
fields where the symbol of the second next maneuver is
displayed (for example: