Mitsubishi Electronics MDAX520-0.5K TO 3.5K Automobile Accessories User Manual

8.3.2 Variable-speed operation using contact input signals
Initial value
Pr. 4 "three-speed setting (high speed)" 2000
Pr. 5 "three-speed setting (middle speed)" 1000
Pr. 6 "three-speed setting (low speed)" 500
Pr. 24 to 27 "multi-speed setting (speed 4 to 7)" 9999
Pr. 232 to 239 "multi-speed setting (speed 8 to 15)" 9999
Pr. Setting Range Unit
4 to 6 0 to 3000
0 to 3000
24 to 27
232 to 239
Combining "ON"/"OFF" of the contact signals to the terminals RH, RM, RL and CS allows you to
choose the preset running speed (any of up to 15 different speeds).
Selecting the control circuit contact input terminal functions enables use of the other terminals.
Refer to: 8.4 Selection of the Control Circuit Contact Input Terminal Functions
The following table lists the relationships between the contact signal input combinations and
running speeds.
Contact Signal Input
Running Speed
Setting Parameter
Speed 1 OFF ON OFF OFF Pr. 4
Speed 2 OFF OFF ON OFF Pr. 5
Speed 3 OFF OFF OFF ON Pr. 6
When two or more contact signals are
"ON", priority is given to the signals in
order of terminals RL, RM and RL.
Speed 4 OFF OFF ON ON Pr. 24
Speed 5 OFF ON OFF ON Pr. 25
Speed 6 OFF ON ON OFF Pr. 26
Speed 7 OFF ON ON ON Pr. 27
Speed 8 ON OFF OFF OFF Pr. 232
Speed 9 ON OFF OFF ON Pr. 233
Speed 10 ON OFF ON OFF Pr. 234
Speed 11 ON OFF ON ON Pr. 235
Speed 12 ON ON OFF OFF Pr. 236
Speed 13 ON ON OFF ON Pr. 237
Speed 14 ON ON ON OFF Pr. 238
Speed 15 ON ON ON ON Pr. 239
When performing multi-speed
operation at speeds 4 and higher, set
the running speeds in the
corresponding parameters.
When "9999" is set in the parameter,
input of the corresponding signal
performs operation at the lower preset
Simultaneous input of the multi-speed operation signal and analog speed signal
(across terminals 2-5, 4-5) gives priority to the multi-speed operation signal.
This function cannot be used with the remote setting function.
Any setting less than the Pr. 13 value will be a stop (0r/min) setting.
Refer to: 8.5.1 Running speed region