2870975 Mity Vact
Pressure Test Tool
2872314 Carburetor Float
Adjustment Tool
Gasoline is extremely flammable and explosive under
certain conditions.
Always stop the engine and refuel
outdoors or in a well ventilated area.
Do not overfill the tank. The tank is at
full capacity when the fuel reaches the
bottom of the filler neck. Leave room
for expansion of fuel.
Never start the engine or let it run in an
enclosed area. Gasoline powered engine
exhaust fumes are poisonous and can
cause loss of consciousness and death in
a short time.
Never drain the float bowl when the engine
is hot. Severe burns may result.
Do not smoke or allow open flames or
sparks in or near the area where refueling
is performed or where gasoline is stored.
If you get gasoline in your eyes or if you
should swallow gasoline, seek medical
attention immediately.
If you spill gasoline on your skin or clothing,
immediately wash with soap and water and
change clothing.
Changes in altitude and temperature affect air density,
which is essentially the amount of oxygen available for
combustion. In low elevations and cold temperatures,
the air is more dense and has more oxygen. In higher
elevations and higher temperatures, the air is less
dense with reduced oxygen.
Polaris ATV Carburetors are calibrated for an altitude
of 0-6000 ft. (0-1800 meters) and ambient
temperatures between +40 and +80q F(+5q to +26q
C). Carburetors must be re-calibrated if operated
outside this temperature and/or altitude range. The
jetting installed in production is not intended for all
altitudes and/or temperatures. In addition, air screw
/ pilot screw adjustments and PVT adjustments may
be required to suit operating conditions.
A main jet that is too small will cause a lean
operating condition resulting in serious engine
damage. Select the correct main jet carefully for
elevation and temperature according to the
charts in the specifications sect ion or in t he
Owner’s Safety and Maintenance Manual for each
particular model.
IMPORTANT: The following guidelines must be
followed when establishing a main jet setting:
1. Select the lowest anticipated temperature at
which the machine will be operated.
2. Determine the lowest approximate altitude at
which the machine will be operated.
3. Select the correct main jet from the chart on Page
Main Jets
Jet Number Part Number
122.5 3140120
125 3130085
130 3140121
137.5 3130090
140 3130091
150 3130093
152.5 3130570
155 3140171
165 3131143
170 3130096
175 3130097
180 3130098
Jet Number Part Number
40.0 3130624
42.5 3130526
45.0 3131023
Pilot Jets
Enfocus Software - Customer Support